Coming to Cincinnati
May 29-31, 2010

Adventure Base 100 is an interactive exhibit traveling the country to rally people of all ages to join the BSA in Celebrating Scouting's 100th Anniversary.  Rolling into more than 40 markets across America, stretching from New Year's through Thanksgiving, the Adventure Base 100 truck unfolds into a 10,000 square foot campus of immersive Scout-related experiences: a ropes course, hands-on digital exhibits, a multi-sensory IMAX-like dome, stage, and much, much more!  It will provide a hands-on view of the history and future of the BSA. 

Many locations who have been lucky enough to obtain the exhibit will get it for just one or sometimes two days only.  Cincinnati’s Dan Beard Council along with Dayton's and Springfield's Councils have been given the honor of hosting this event in the Cincinnati area for three full days in May 29‑31, 2010 as part of the Taste of Cincinnati celebration downtown. 


You can view a video of Adventure Base 100 as it was displayed in its opening event during the Rose Bowl parade in Pasadena, California to see what the exhibit looks like and the displays and activities it will contain.

We want you to help spread the word about this special one-time event so that members of this area’s Scouting family as well as the general public will be able to see this exciting showcase of Scouting’s 100 year heritage and experience the special values and fun activities Scouting offers today.

If you'd like to obtain more information in advance of the event or receive an e-Passport for your upcoming Adventure Base 100 campus visit, you can view our pre-registration page.


Volunteers Needed:

We also need knowledgeable Scouts and Scouters to volunteer to fill some of the staff positions that will be needed to deliver this event successfully.  Our primary needs are Greeters and Crowd Control people.  We will need about 30 people per shift to fill these positions, and since we will operate three shifts a day (each 3 1/2 hours long) for three days, that means we have roughly 270 volunteer positions we need to fill between now and the event.  The tasks are not difficult, and training will be provided when you arrive, but we need people to start signing up now.  You can view an overview of the station layout and the job descriptions in our Volunteer Position Descriptions.

If you can volunteer for one or more shifts, please contact Anne Zimmer,


Here is a list of other documents you can view for more information:

*      Adventure Base 100 Flyer – containing a diagram of the exhibit, lists of activities, and volunteer positions needed.

*      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) – Answers to frequently asked questions.

*      Quick Facts – a brief list of the sizes and footprint of the exhibit.

*      Stage Show – Examples of stage show programming being planned

*      Schedule – Schedule showing exhibit times & volunteer shifts

For more details, see the national web site at

This page was last updated April 30, 2010.

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in the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America.
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