Welcome to Dan Beard's
100th Anniversary of Scouting Website
On February 8, 1910, the Boy Scouts of
America was founded by William D. Boyce to help young people grow into
responsible, well-rounded citizens. As a result, more than 100 million Americans
have experienced the traditional, values-based program offered by the BSA.
The Dan Beard Council is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Scouting with a year long series of activities aimed at reaffirming Scouting's principles and values and providing projects and opportunities to spread the Scouting experience to broader groups of youth and adults and deepen its impact on the community. The celebration kicked off with the official opening of the Scout Achievement Center (the first facility of its kind in the nation) on October 17, 2009 and will bring the whole year to a crescendo at the 2010 Peterloon, Scouting's longest continually operating Camporee on October 15-17, 2010. |
Here are details on the two programs presented in the video above: (Following these is a list of other programs being sponsored by National.) |
Anyone wanting to participate should download and fill out a Commitment and Tracking Form and review it periodically with your unit leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Venturing Advisor, or Varsity Coach).
National has developed additional programs for the Centennial. Most can be found on their Centennial Web Site at www.scouting.org/100years. Here are a few national sponsored programs in which you can participate: |
And there will be more all year long, all over Dan Beard Council and the Country. Look to our website for helps and tips on what you can do. Come be a part of it. Do something to celebrate 100 years of Scouting in your unit and district. Be involved with it all. Make this year memorable to you and the youth you help lead. It is something to be proud of, something strong you can build on, something for the future of Scouting. Be involved and Celebrate Scouting!! Celebrating the Adventure, Continuing the Journey. How will YOU celebrate? |
"Scouting is this country's single best program for building character in youth and instilling positive religious and family values and has been for nearly a century." |
-- The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA |
This page was last updated
April 30, 2010.
is the official web site of 100th Anniversary of Scouting
in the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America.
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